
What Is ServersFree?

ServersFree is the top place to start making beautiful and useful websites for FREE!
Why pay if you get absolutely the same hosting services for free? Think again.

ServersFree is professional and absolutely free web server provider with many useful free hosting features, performance and reliability. We provide web hosting services and web servers for free to various clients all around the world and without any hidden costs or ads. is a server provider with a decade of experience in building and hosting websites for free to individuals and small business companies. As a result, ServersFree has become one of the largest solutions of free servers and free hosting services.

Almost unlimited free servers disk space, huge bandwidth, FTP, Php, MySql, CPanel, free support and no ads – this is the type of top-noch professional free hosting and web publishing service on our servers.

How ServersFree?

Host with ease your website, blogs, forum or even e-commerce shopping cart on our free servers in a few minutes! ServersFree will provide you all the possible tools and features for the most complete hosting server management without any hidden cost or ads. We offer a 1 Click Installer to install your most favoured CMS in few clicks; Easy Website Builder with hundreds of beautiful free website templates to build and manage your unique website without any technical or design knowledge; ServersFree cPanel – for comfortable free servers control and reconfiguration.

Features – first class provider of most complete free hosting servers with advanced and most demanded web hosting features like almost unlimited badwidth, extreme servers disk space, FTP, MySQL, Easy Website Builder or huge free template collection. We offer very intuitive and powerful server and website tools that even newbie or advanced webmasters loves! Other companies just sells you server features that we offer for free!


All our free servers based on Dual Quad processor, Multiple 10 gigabit ethernet connections and custom compiled Linux operating system kernel with Apache servers for most advanced and fast performance to all our users. All PRO free servers runs under UPS and diesel generator based backup power system and are monitored for 24/7 by our professional server admins team.


Security and realibility – is major tasks for ServersFree. We managed to provide strict protection of all free servers user data and secure it against most malicious actions. All your free hosted data are backuped automatically and our easy server tools provides you ability to make back ups of your website or personal data with few clicks anytime you like!

Superb services

Infinite resources

Why ServersFree

Our professional free server technology is really what sets us apart from any other free web hosting server provider. Superb features, optimized hardware with advanced custom built software makes our servers work fast, stable and very secure. We provide free server tools that are reliable and easy to use. We are the ONLY professional FREE server and free hosting company that offers all commercial server features without any costs, even hosting server support is free!